Latam Family Office Investment Summit: A Resounding Success!

The 4th Edition of the Latam Family Office Investment Summit concluded on a high note in Mexico City, bringing together a prestigious group of family offices and service providers from across Latin America.

Over the course of 17-18 April 2024, attendees engaged in thought-provoking discussions at the Ritz-Carlton, fostered valuable connections, and gained insights into the future of wealth management.

A Community of Excellence

The summit boasted an impressive turnout, with 131 Single Family Offices and High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs) participating. Service providers made up a vital 27.9% of attendees, ensuring a well-rounded exchange of ideas and expertise. This diverse group, with a 72.1% representation from family offices, fostered a unique environment for collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Engaging Discussions and Cutting-Edge Topics

The two-day program offered a compelling lineup of sessions. From entrepreneurship and family office management best practices to the ever-evolving landscape of culture, creativity, and the future, attendees gained valuable insights into critical areas impacting wealth management.

A special feature of the program also included the inclusion of Sophia the Robot on a panel discussing artificial intelligence, sparking thought-provoking conversations about the future of technology.

Building Connections that Last

Beyond the exceptional program, the true magic of the summit unfolded during dedicated networking sessions and one-on-one meetings during the two days. There was ample time for discussion and the exchanging of ideas to foster new relationships between family offices and service providers.

An early-access online networking platform further facilitated connections, fostering over 300 connections and generating thousands of visits online. This vibrant exchange of ideas and relationship building serves as a cornerstone of the Latam Family Office Investment Summit’s success.

Looking Ahead

The energy and engagement at the summit were truly inspiring.

We also thank our sponsors ATFX, El Nuevo Ecuador, ProviCapital Partners, PLD Space, VIDA, B2Broker, Manhattan Venture Partners, Knightvest Capital, and Kariuki Diamonds, who all helped make the event a success.

We look forward to the next Latam Family Office Investment Summit, scheduled for 24-25 September 2025. We will continue to foster this exceptional community of Latin American family offices and wealth management professionals.